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5.30pm Sign-in and Networking
6.00pm Welcome Address
6.10pm Chapter Updates
6.20pm Presentation by Michael Downs
6.40pm Questions
6.50pm Evening Sponsor Presentation:
Petra Science
7.00pm Break for canapés and drinks
7.30pm Presentation by Miguel Araos
7.50pm Questions
8.00pm Formal Meeting Close
8.00-9.00pm Networking canapés and drinks


First Technical Presentation

Presenter: Michael Downs
Title: P1 Permitted explosives use in UG coal
Brief: Statistical analysis of the detonation properties of a P1 permitted explosive for UG applications.

Second Technical Presentation

Presenter: Miguel Araos
Title: Bulk and hot spot heating ignition in explosives
Brief: Differences between these two mechanisms when igniting ANE.

Are you trying to improve your blast results?

Share your blasting experience(s) with techniques\technology or product developments. The shared information could benefit other members of the ISEE (must be non-commercial). Future meeting presenters are required!


This event will follow the Queensland State Governments COVID-19 guidelines.


Thank you for supporting this great not-for-profit industry group.

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